How to watch a televised debate

CSD director, Dr. Matt McGarrity, worked with TVW on a video for Washington State schools on "How to watch a televised debate." Dr. McGarrity teaches the debate technique known as "flowing" and emphasizes to voters the importance of taking notes when watching televised debates. ... >>

2025-01-14T14:45:19-08:00Articles, Resources|

The Balance Between Detail and Clarity in Technical Speech

William Heins The canons of rhetoric—invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery—are the elements of speech through which a speaker conveys their message to an audience. These canons, however, produce three other elements of speech: detail, clarity, and elegance. The balance among them is fundamental to public speaking as all are ... >>


Tips for Coaching High Apprehensive Speakers

Olivia Knoll Nervous public speakers. Whether you can hear it in the trembles of their voice or see it in the anxious crinkling of their notecard, we’ve all worked with them. By our terms as practitioners, these people are known as ‘high apprehensive speakers.’ Up to 75% of the population ... >>

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